
quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013

Sampling is not a crime

Why do people go to church? It's not just to pray or ask for forgiveness… But to preserve the word of God. Yes we pray, preach and do other stuff in the process.
Why do people go to school? It's not just to learn new stuff to be someone someday… But to preserve Human Intelligence and the life of Mankind, but we do learn and other stuff in the process.
From the many examples i could give you, would you consider those stealing, or harming its objective of preserving something?
I don't think so… So why would anyone consider Sampling, a crime?
We do not steal old music… We just remodel it, give it a new shape, and open other people's mind to dig in deeper to learn about it, or remember.
All these years i've been making music, i was just a beat-maker in my bedroom… And maybe that is what i'll always be… Just a beat-maker in my bedroom, making music for mine and other people's amusement!
 Big enterprises denominate sampling as a crime, charging sky-rocketing amounts to Beat-makers so they can fill they're pockets with more and more money… But tell me this, what good is a record in a shelf just for display? Music should not be just like a trophy that you hang on a wall and say "Look, (the best whatever ever made) i have it". I call that bullshit! Unless you are some kind of freakin' museum.
Musicians sample for the same reason cineasts make movies about people from the past (biographies, documentaries). Would you say they are stealing the concept of someone's life/privacy? Sure you'll tell me they have authorization and shit like that, (maybe it's something i don't know about) but they aren't charged zillions and Quatrillions for their "work".
You might even try and tell me, "What if it was you, getting ripped off by some future musician? A work of a lifetime just chopped and sliced for nothing", here's what i would say: "Motherfucker, i had my time, fame is not permanent, so isn't the price of a music album, movie, video-game or whatever… Today you sell your shit for 10$, in a few years you'll find masterpieces for 50 cents. I'd be very happy and proud to know that my great-grandsons and people from 3 centuries ahead know who i was and what i made. Do you think Mozart, Bach, daVinci, or Beethoven (you name a famous dead artist) are spending money on they're graves?" "But it kills the integrity and originality of future generations", Bitch, get your asshole off the dead horse, you'll get nowhere!

(Shit, i forgot what i wanted to say… But i was really pissed a while ago when i started writing this.)
Anyway, what i wanted to say is:

I am Billy Blaze, and i aprove sampling! Have a nice day, and keep the good music playing.